I quite frequently contemplate writing a post with this title, but this time I am actually quite sure that it is true. I woke up this morning at the usual time and my clock radio told me that it had just snowed about 6″ and was still going. My typical […]

I am the smartest man alive

I got sent on my first ‘spontaneous vacation’ at work this week. On Tuesday I booked a flight to head to the UK for a customer service visit leaving Wednesday morning. A wise engineer once told me, “You know you’re important when they send you on (or recall you from) […]

Surprise, you’re in England

I just returned from a successful trip back home for Christmas. It was a bit short but I got much done, saw as many people as I could and I made it back intact. Mostly. My Grandparents have a hill in their backyard with a lake at the bottom. Occasionally […]

Chicks dig scars

Yesterday the temperature dropped to -19o F in Denver, and it marked the first time I was subjected to my most hated phrase of the winter season: “The temperature is -19 degrees, but the windchill is…” Temperature is a measurable quantity with a physical meaning, and windchill is an arbitrary, […]

000, Licensed to Bitch

If someone asks you if you want to enter a push-up contest, you must answer “yes!” It is the modern equivalent of a duel. I can think of few more manly ways of deciding an argument other than over-the-topping someone in an arm wrestling contest. This is the situation I […]

Prove Your Manliness

During this whopper of a presidential campaign that we just endured, I was often asked the question of what political party I belonged to. I usually answered with some combination of the following statements. I don’t strongly identify with either party (or more accurately, I do identify strongly with certain […]

Should have done this before the election

Last night I had the distinct pleasure of having Madonna come to visit me at the Pepsi Center for her Sticky and Sweet tour. The music was great, the show was incredible, and I had a fantastic time. She played a lot off of her new album, and a lot […]

It’s Immaterial

In my quest to maximize the fuel economy I get out of my car, I am trying to reduce the amount that I use the brakes. In this spirit, last night I performed a “rolling stop” at a stop sign (by “rolling” I mean 25mph). It was 11pm in a […]

Cops hate the environment

I recently got the thought into my head that I would like to give record players a try. I think it stemmed from the fact that I was feeling a bit of a disconnection with my music. With everything being digital now, there is nothing tangible to associate with the […]

One turntable, no microphone

That’s Three Letter Acronyms Part of the reason I moved to Colorado was for their sweet license plates. The gorgeous yet simple white mountains on green sky design is fabulous. I soon learned that even better than the design is the content. Colorado plates consist of 3 numbers followed by […]

Better know your TLA’s