grinds my gears

Jaywalking is now a crime
Just minding my own business… So I have recently proven that it is possible to get a ticket for jaywalking. I was walking to the train station in the morning on the way to work and running a bit late. Rather than wait for the little green man to come […]

I am a Jaywalking Criminal

Yesterday the temperature dropped to -19o F in Denver, and it marked the first time I was subjected to my most hated phrase of the winter season: “The temperature is -19 degrees, but the windchill is…” Temperature is a measurable quantity with a physical meaning, and windchill is an arbitrary, […]

000, Licensed to Bitch

In my quest to maximize the fuel economy I get out of my car, I am trying to reduce the amount that I use the brakes. In this spirit, last night I performed a “rolling stop” at a stop sign (by “rolling” I mean 25mph). It was 11pm in a […]

Cops hate the environment